Your Ability to Balance Could Help Determine Your Future Health


It is well known in scientific circles that your ability to balance is directed by specific areas of the brain BUT now research is starting to show that your ability to balance is a good predictor of future health.

According to a study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke, “struggling to stand on one leg for less than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk for stroke, small blood vessel damage in the brain, and reduced cognitive function in otherwise healthy people”.

It also concluded that “the ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health”.

Before you read any further, stand up and try to balance on one leg at a time, for at least 20 seconds…can you do it?

Having poor balance puts you at risk for brain disease and cognitive decline.

BUT WAIT…now for the good news!

“A study that explored the role of chiropractic for the treatment of dizziness/balance disorders through an analysis of data from the 2008 National Health Interview Survey” showed that chiropractic was highly effective in helping resolve these issues.

The odds ratio for perceiving being helped by a chiropractor was 95%.

Chiropractors, by influencing the brain via a chiropractic adjustment, help the brain to communicate more effectively and keep your body functioning the way it should, starting with better balance.

In addition to suggesting regular chiropractic care for balance issues, this week our focus is going to be on things you can do to improve your ability to balance.


J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med
. 2016 Apr;21(2):138-42. doi: 10.1177/2156587215604974. Epub 2015 Sep 11.


About Truchiro

TRUCHIRO is the brain child of Dr. Clint Steele. In 1993 Dr. Steele graduated from chiropractic college and set out to change the world’s health. Unfortunately, what he found in the real world was not what he was taught in school.

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